Thursday, November 23, 2006



Friday, November 17, 2006

Quote of the week

-Yiliang was sitting on one side of the canteen table, Edwin and I were sitting on the other side, Fruit comes along and sits on our side, and says to Yi liang-

"I sit on this side to balance out your ugliness"

I nearly died as i choked on my food.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

terrors of the bones

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Unstoppable force VS the Immovable Object

This is sth i ripped off thottbot, some world of warcraft item site.
This discussion is on 2 high level items (1) The immovable object (a shield) and (2) the Unstoppable Force ( a 2 handed mace)

What happens if The Unstoppable Force hits the Immovable Object?

Assuming both of these are possible, we must also assume that the universe is infinite,
and we must assume the unstoppable force has infinite kinetic energy and the immovable
object has infinite mass. If the force is unstoppable we must conclude that there is no
possible way for it to change vectors or speed, and therefore a transferrance of energy
is impossible and the law of conservation of momentum is meaningless. If the object has
infinite mass then it must be infinitely large, and in an infinite universe the object
would be the universe itself, becasue the idea of movement outside the universe is
meaningless this would make absolute sense considering the object is immovable. Nomrally,
it would only be logical to assume that if one of these force/objects exists, the other
cannot exist becasue it would cancel the first out, but if we assume that they both exist
we must eventually ask ourselves what would happen if these two collided? If the immovable
object is an entire universe we have to conclude that the unstoppable force does not exist
in the same universe, so where does it exist? According to the string theory, there are
multiple universes all connected by worm holes and are all intertwined like a cloth made of
string where the strings represent wormholes connecting every universe and dimention. This
tells us that the unstoppable force and the immovable object must exist in two different
dimentions from each other, making it impossible for them to collide unless the unstoppable
force enters a worm hole to the dimention of the immovable object. If the object does take
up an entire universe and is in fact immovable, there is no possible way for the unstoppable
force to enter the universe unless it is finite and stoppable, and since it is infinite,
the only explanation is that the unstoppable force leaves one dimention into a worm hole
and tries to enter the dimention of the immovable object and is ejected through another
worm hole into a dimention exactly opposite of the immovable object, thus retaining its
infinite kinetic energy and vector, while the immovable object retains its status as having
infinite mass and size. Conclusion: if the unstoppable force was to hit the immovable
object, this would result in the end of all universes and dimentions as we know it, because
if contact was possible the force would lose its infinite energy and thus it would become
finite, and a finite energy cannot exist in an infinite universe but the unstoppable force
would have to keep traveling, therefore all universes that the force could possibly travel
to (all of them) would become obsolete and disappear, resulting in the apocalypse.

-Conclusion: Chuck Norris Dies

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Canoeist grammar 101

Due to the overwhelmingly bad grammar omg I be pwnt if I don't see it kthxsbye, I, Wong zeng yu in my extreme boredness shall write a short summary on the strange twisted colloquial tongue that some of us seem predisposed to.

(1) The use of Zomg and omg and pwnt

Often found in the same sentance. Thats all i can say.zzz
e.g : edwin: thats true and zomg gp pwned

Note the use of zomg and pwned. Apparantly edwin not so cool as horse.
e.g. : horse: not* i shall not get pwnt for grammer in the process
OH THE BITTER IRONY. actually it isnt grammer but nvm.

(2) The use of pwnt

Apparantly the pwnt is a cooler more 'in' incarnation of pwned, which was also the cooler and more 'in' form of pawned which was the short cooler form of i sold your balls for X gold.
Now for kthxbye, think it first came from Keith but quite commonly found online.

(3) The use of " REAL MEN "


ought to look in the mirror and see who dies first k thx

(4) The use of "thanks" or "kthxbye" at the end of the sentence.

(5) IMBA

International Mountain Bicycling Association

(6) The use of "{condition x} be of the {condition y}"

e.g. : jquek: ggxx a levels be of the pwnt

please study hard Jquek we know you are dammmn smart. But the following pt still applies. X_X

(7) The use of " J QUEK IS UGLY "

e.g. : ww: edwin be of the bad grammar, but he still more hansum... than jquek

(8) The use of " YI LIANG IS UGLY "

i agree.


good lucks to us all.

bye bye :P

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

for pple who are

haf fun watching this.(credit to wenwei)